Matthias hat geschrieben:
Amazon (die Links da unten) empfielt mir:
VollidiotWas wollen die mir sagen?
Ich nehme an, das heißt Querverkauf (Cross-Selling); hast wohl irgendwann schon mal was Vergleichbares da gekauft. Vielleicht den Wandertag in Spanien von Hape Kerkeling?
Zu Cross-Selling fällt mir folgender vollidiotische Witz ein. Ich finde den echt gut!
There was an Italian and a Polack that owned stores across the street from each other. While the Italian's store made a lot of business, the Polack wasn't doing so hot.
So one day the Polack tells his son to watch the store while he goes across the street and talks to the Italian. He goes up to the Italian and asks, "How does your business do so good while mine doesn't?"
The Italian replies, " You just have to learn to talk to the customer, here I'll show you what it's all about."
Just then a farmer walked into the store and walked up to the counter and asked for a 50 lbs. bag of grass seed. The Italian walks back into the back and comes out with the grass seed on his shoulder and throws it on the counter. The Italian looks up at the farmer and asks, "Would you like to buy a lawnmower with that?"
The farmer says, "Well, I suppose when that seed comes up , I'm gonna need to mow it. Sure, I'll buy a lawnmower off ya."
So the farmer takes his seed and mower and leaves the store. The Polack says to the Italian, "Damn, it's that easy huh? I can do that , let me try on the next customer."
The Italian agrees, so the Polack gets behind the counter. After a while a woman walks in and walks up to the counter and asks the Polack, "Get me a box of tampons."
The Polack gets it for her and asks her, "Would you like to buy a lawnmower with that?"
The woman looks at him like he's stupid and says, "What kind of deal is that?"
The Polack says, "Well, you ain't gonna be fucking, you might as well mow the lawn!"