Keiner_Da hat geschrieben:
:lachen echt gut
Kann man leider nicht ins Englische uebersetzten
sonst koennt ich den noch ein paar mal versenden.
Dem kann geholfen werden:
A basic lady teacher goes to her rector and weights: "with the small Rudi from the first class it is hardly to be borne! Everything knows better! He says, he is at least as smart as its sister, and those already is in the third class! Now it wants to go also into the third class!" The rector: "calming it down itself. If it is really so smart, we can test it simply times." Said, done, and on the next day the small Rudi as well as its teacher before the rector stands. "Rudi," says the director, "it gives two possibilities. We place few Fragen.Wenn you those to you answer correctly now, can you into the third class go if you from today on answer however wrong, go you back into the first class and behave!!" Rudi nods eagerly. Rector: "how much 6 times is 6?" Rudi: "36". Rector: "as the capital of Germany is called?" Rudi: "Berlin". Undsoweiter, the rector places his questions and Rudi can everything correctly answer. Rector to the teacher: "I believe, Rudi am really far enough for the third class." Teacher: "may I also place a few questions to it?" Rector: "request beautifully." Teacher: "Rudi, about which I have two, a cow however four?" Rudi, after short considering: "legs." Teacher: "which you in your trousers, I have however not?" The rector is surprised somewhat at this question, but Rudi already answers there: "bags." Teacher: "which makes a man in standing, a woman in sitting and a dog on three legs?" The mouth is open to the rector, but Rudi nods and says: "the hand give." Teacher: "which is hard and pink, if it clean-goes, but softly and sticky, if it rauskommt?" The rector gets a cough accumulation, and afterwards Rudi answers left: "chewing rubber." Teacher: "property, Rudi, a question still. Say to me a word, which begins with F, with N stops and somewhat with heat and excitement doing has!" The tears are located to the rector in the eyes. Rudi joyfully: "feuerwehrmann!" Rector: "already well, already well. From me Rudi can go also into the fourth class or directly on the High School. I would have the last five questions wrongly had... "
Versteht noch jemand wa?